Sunday, August 16, 2009


Okay, have I mentioned before how much I HATE travelling? Yes, I realize it wouldn't be quite so bad if I didn't fly stand-by, but really, when my choice s having flexible options (it took me to the end of July to decide when my last day at work was going to be) and flying for free, with the chance I will get bumped, or having to plan well in advance and pay $600-700, what choice is there? Do you know how much other fun I can have with that money? Or more realistically, what other bills I can pay... So needless to say, it's standby for me. And this is how my day has gone so far:
4:30am - Wake up
5:00am - Leave for the airport
6:00am - Leave Flagstaff
8:10am - Arrive at LAX
12:10pm - Learn that there's no room on the 12:30 flight to Seattle (the flight my luggage was going on, with or without me... I hope it's here waiting)
1:10pm - Find out there is no room on the 1:30 flight
3:10pm - Find out there is no room on the 3:30 flight
4:20pm - Manage to get one of the last two seats on the 4:30 flight
7:20pm - Arrive in Seattle
7:30pm - Get an overpriced cocktail and sandwich, and debate whether to try to make the overnight flight to Boston (which is currently oversold by 5) at 10:20pm, or staying in Seattle, which would require waiting for my sister to get off work at 11:00pm, only to be back here tomorrow to try to catch that overnight flight.

Okay, not really much of a debate there. I have to be here either way. I'm going to try it. However, that nearly guarantees a nearly $50 cab ride home in Boston, and no certainty whether I can even get into my apartment because the friend who has my keys hasn't been returning my phone calls... I hate travelling. I just want to be home. In my own bed. In my own space. Sigh...

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