Monday, April 26, 2010

Can't I have a magic wand and just make it all better?

It's been FOREVER since I've posted. I know that. So what has caused me to come back after so long? That's simple. I'm angry. At what, you might ask? At people. Not at any individual in particular, but at nearly everyone generally. The overwhelming levels of hate and racism and us vs. them just makes me want to scream. Yes, I know this is nothing new. But what really screamed this point to me at this moment was a wonderfully written post by Tim Wise, entitled "Imagine if the Tea Party was Black". If you have not already read this, please read it. It will help put words to what so many of us have felt. And it really makes me wonder how people who deny the truth of it can continue to lie to themselves.

As those of you who have known me are already aware, I've been a registered member of the Republican party. However, even my most staunchly Democratic friends have always given me a pass, because as one put it, "You're a Republican with a brain." Well, no more. No, I have not had a lobotomy. Far from it. But no, nor have I become a Democrat. I simply cannot stand to be associated with either party. I've spent enough years surrounded by Republicans to be aware of just how absurd the leftist extremists can be, and now the right-wing extremists are proving themselves even worse. It's honestly terrifying. How can people express so much anger and hatred and violent tendencies, especially when so many claim to be Christians? News flash: Jesus is about love, not hatred. He is the one who commanded that when an enemy strikes you on one cheek, you are to turn the other. He is the one who said to pray for your enemies (and he was NOT referring to praying for their death). He is the one who commanded up to love our neighbors as ourselves. And yet, what is it that we've been hearing from the supposed Christians of the Tea Party and general right-wing extremists? Nothing but hatred, fear, and death threats. My own aunt had joined a FB group that basically said they were asking God to kill President Obama. How can anyone say such things? In spite of the allegations hurled without thought, Obama is nowhere near any of the horrifying dictators he has been likened to. If you don't support his policies, so what? Does that really mean he should die? No, it does not. Especially when the results are not bringing about physical harm.

When Bush was president, a very good friend, who is very much a democrat, would never spout the general anti-Bush mantras that were so commonly heard. The reason why? He said that no matter who the president was, he respected the office of the presidency, and he reserved his criticisms to logical points related to the actual issues. Now why can't more people be so level headed? Oh, right. A person is rational, people are irrational.

If only I had a magic wand, I could make everyone rational. Then there would be no more irrational hatred or racism or discrimination or stereotypes. People would stop shouting long enough to listen. People wouldn't let fear and bigotry dictate their actions. I'm talking to you, Arizona.

That's another thing that has been making me angry lately. Arizonans in support of the bill claim that they feel unsafe due to the amount of crime committed by illegal immigrants. News flash: The most heinous criminals in our history, including the rampant serial killers, are citizens. And most immigrants, whether here legally or illegally, do indeed fear the police, and therefore don't risk attracting their attention. They merely want to work and live their lives. They are contributing members of society, whether the whites admit it or not. They spend money and provide services that support out economy, many of them pay taxes (yes, even many of the undocumented ones...I've seen it), they live here and raise their families here. And yet they get stereotyped as evil, criminal, trying to play the system, and a threat to our American culture. Funny. What is American culture after all? What was our country built on? Oh yeah, immigrants, a "melting pot". And fear of outsiders. The Chinese, the Irish, the Italians, the Mexicans... All have been feared as a threat to our "culture". Today, we think it absurd that the Irish and Italians would be so reviled. However, the same is not entirely true when it comes to the Chinese and other Asians. Why? Oh yeah, because they're not white. It's disgusting. And yet people use stereotypes to justify it all. Mexicans are criminals, so they deserve to be targeted. But lets look at why. Why are they committing crimes? Generally, the answer is to survive. Stealing to provide basic needs. Joining gangs for protection against the threat they face as a group that is discriminated against. Selling drugs because they cannot get legitimate work to support themselves. Even crimes that are routinely committed by "good" American citizens, such as drunk driving, suddenly are facing much harsher penalties because they don't have a valid drivers license, because they can't obtain one. I'm not trying to defend drunk driving by any stretch, but it does seem inherently unfair that the white guy gets off so much lighter for the same crime. Hell, even things like DV and sex assault are forgiven when white people do them, because it's seen as a mistake, something that was a result of the stress they were under, or was a misunderstanding, but they would never actually do it again so they shouldn't be punished too harshly... But anyone with a brown skin tone? Well, what else would you expect from someone like "that"?


This level of anger is exhausting. I would think that level of hatred would likewise be exhausting. Aren't people ever going to get tired of it? I really want that magic wand...