Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wait, people actually READ this???

Apparently so... Who knew? I kind of thought I was talking to myself for the most part, but I was informed by a dear friend tonight that I have caused heartbreak by the infrequency of my postings. I'm sure there may have been a tiny bit of exaggeration in those complaints, but I don't really choose to question it.

So now that I'm here with another post, the question is, what do I have to say? Hmmm....

Well, in the interest of keeping things positive (a friend has pointed out that I tend to let stress and thus negativity dominate my online messages, so I'm attempting to be more aware), I will not use this as an opportunity to complain about the Red Sox games and the MBTA (tempting as it may be). Instead, let's focus on the good things Boston offers. Like extra holidays! I heart Patriots Day! (And for those of you non-Bostonians, that has nothing to do with the football team). I have a three day weekend, and the best part is, I truly get to have a three day weekend! Thanks to the holiday cancelling my three Monday classes, the only homework that has to be done is for crim, which is already half done and can thus be completed Tuesday morning. I can truly avoid school for three whole days! And yes, I plan to. Of course, I could take this opportunity to try to get ahead for the week, ease the burden for Tuesday, but really, I'm the Queen of Procrastination and I must keep up my title. So what, may you ask, will I do with all my free time? A whole lot of nothing! Okay, not really. Already today I've gotten a haircut and had a fabulous dinner with fabulouser (no, I didn't have too much wine with dinner) friends. I think that counts as a productive day! Though I think in the interests of trying to prevent myself from failing my one and only, and may I say, most frightening, in-class exam (international law), I may begin to work on an outline this weekend from my notes and the Crunch Time book I bought (did I mention it's the most frightening class?). What I will not be doing is watching the Marathon. In fact, I don't think I will leave my apartment that day in order to avoid the insanity. I see no point in fighting for a spot on the sidewalk, waiting for hours just to watch a bunch of strangers run past me. If I knew someone who was running, things would be different. But strangers? I have better things to do with my time.

And now, due to my utter exhaustion (I was up before 8am, after having gone to bed after 2am...damn early morning sunlight and crappy blinds), I have seem to abruptly come to an end. I have no clue where to go from here, except to bed. Goodnight, and I'll try to be back again soon!


chelsea said...

You should post a link on FB and maybe more people would be able to find it. I do enjoy reading your blog (when you do post:). I'm glad we were able to meet up on Saturday. The tiramisu was a hit w/ the other gals.

Megan said...

Yay! But then, who on earth wouldn't like tiramisu? And I'm not entirely sure I want everyone on FB to necessarily find it... Not that I mind people finding it, but really, as it's mostly my stream of consciousness ramblings, I don't think it's worth advertising...