Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rain, rain, go away...

You know, I never used to be depressed by the rain, and it's been bothering me that the rain has affected my mood so much lately. After all, I used to love the rain! But now, even when I don't have to be out walking in it, when I'm just inside listening to it, I feel like I'm about to go mad and just want to curl up in bed and pretend the world doesn't exist. However, after a friend's random comment on Facebook, I think I know what changed: there is no thunder and lightening accompanying the rain here. That's what makes rain exciting and beautiful. Without it, it's just gray and dreary and depressing. But lightening is amazing to watch, when it's purple, blue, white, shooting across the clouds or down to the ground, illuminating the blackness with a flash of brilliant light like a giant flashbulb. Even the thunder, with its low, building rumbles and sharp, sudden claps, add interest. You can feel it vibrating through your body when it's close enough. It's these dazzling displays of the power of nature that I miss. Without their vitality, rain is just depressing when it drips morosely and monotonously from a dull gray sky. I'm looking forward to the monsoons this summer!


chelsea said...

You know, I was kind of in a foul mood today too. And surprise, it's been raining here. We did have a few bolts of lighting, but no rumble of the thunder.

disabled account said...

aw...i love the rain. i'm sorry it put you in a funk. feel better soon.