Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's been a while...

Okay, it's been more than a while... It's been a whole quarter and a half. But hey, things have been busy (as per usual). So what is it that prompted me to come here to ramble? My fabulously spontaneous decision making as of late. Yes, I have indeed made another big decision on a mere whim. Well, sort of on a whim. I had thought through whether it would be an option a while back, and decided it was, but the actual decision to go through with it was made on a moment. Oh, I guess I should explain what "it" is....I'm moving back to Flagstaff for the summer. I love Boston, I really do, and I don't particularly want to leave, but I have to be practical at the same time. My co-op search in Boston hasn't been going so well, so about a month or so ago I was toying around with the idea of going back to Flag. After all, it's not exactly the hot bed of competition that Boston is, with its five law schools, Harvard across the river, and students from all over the country wanting to come here. And when half of the places I applied to here have responded with "Not Hiring," I thought it might be wise to have a backup plan.
So yesterday I was checking the weboard, and saw that the last place I interviewed at had made the offer to someone else. This was around noon-ish. So I decided to start calling places in Arizona. To make a long story short, through a series of phone calls with people I used to work with there, I was offered a position that evening by an attorney in Flagstaff, and it even paid! All this merely through connections, without even sending my resume. Amazing how things work out. Now I just need to figure out what to do with my apartment and all my stuff....

1 comment:

chelsea said...

Way to have a back up plan! I'm a little jealous that you'll be enjoying a pleasant summer (weather wise).